
Future Mobility Forum St. Moritz


When we consider and analyze the challenges and opportunities of future mobility, the need for a Future Mobility Forum becomes clear, because the upcoming mobility turnaround requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach to create a sustainable, efficient and inclusive mobility landscape.

The environmentally sustainable mobility of the future faces a multitude of complex challenges that can no longer be tackled by individual actors alone. It is therefore urgent that governments, companies, research institutions and civil society work together and join forces. The Future Mobility Forum provides the ideal platform for defining common goals, sharing best practices and developing innovative solutions.

In this context, it is important to emphasize that the mobility turnaround does not only concern the transport sector, but also encompasses many accompanying topics. The future of mobility requires not only the introduction of new technologies and sustainable transport solutions, but also the development of software solutions to enable complex mobility services. In addition, flexible short-term storage options and reliable supply of goods in city centers, for example, must be included in planning to meet the needs of the new mobility concepts.

Another good example is commuting, which will undergo a fundamental transformation. With the growing acceptance of the home office, the number of commuters traveling to work by car or public transit will decrease significantly. Employers, cities and municipalities must adapt to these changes and find innovative solutions to meet the needs of mobile workers. This is not just about transport, but also about creating flexible working environments and expanding digital infrastructure, as well as transforming soon-to-be redundant office space into urgently needed living space.


It is therefore essential to build and breathe life into a comprehensive Future Mobility Forum that goes far beyond the boundaries of individual topics. Currently existing initiatives always focus on specific topics, such as eFuels. A holistic forum, on the other hand, makes it possible to bring all relevant players into contact with each other at an early stage in order to jointly define and shape the mobility of the future.

So far, there is no such comprehensive forum that enables an open and forward-looking discussion on all relevant aspects of mobility. It is time to close this gap and create a platform that offers the necessary space for interdisciplinary exchange, creative ideas and innovative approaches to solutions.

Why St. Moritz?

The complexity and diversity of the challenges require coordinated collaboration, which can benefit from a place like St. Moritz as an inspiring, well-equipped and politically neutral conference venue.

Furthermore, St. Moritz has an excellent infrastructure that meets the requirements of an international Future Mobility Forum. In addition to the practical aspects, the picturesque landscape of St. Moritz also provides an inspiring backdrop for the forum.

The breathtaking nature creates a relaxed atmosphere that promotes creativity and the exchange of ideas.


Even though it will take a few years for the Future Mobility Forum to become fully established on a broad scale, we would like to encourage all interested parties to be part of it from the very beginning. After all, only those who have a say can also help shape the future. Every individual, whether a representative of government, business, research or civil society, can contribute valuable expertise and perspectives that are invaluable to the development of sustainable, environmentally friendly and technology-open mobility.

This forum creates the opportunity to work together on sustainable concepts and drive forward groundbreaking innovations. It opens up the opportunity to influence, actively help shape and shape the mobility of the future.

At a time when the challenges and opportunities of the mobility revolution are becoming ever greater, it is time to join forces and work together to shape a sustainable, ideology-free and efficient mobility of the future. Let's take this opportunity to come together in a comprehensive Future Mobility Forum to create a livable and sustainable mobility landscape for generations to come. Having your say means helping to shape it - be there from the start to set the course for future-proof mobility. Together, we can make a decisive contribution to protecting our environment, promoting social integration and improving the quality of life for all. The time to act has come!